Girl, Take Your Power Back!

It’s hard to feel romantic when you can’t breathe, have no energy, and live in fear of the next devastating storm. But taking your power back and standing up for what you need is sexy AF. 

Hey Sweetie, remember how you learned that demanding love from your ex was giving you nothing but heartbreak? Remember when you said, “Enough is enough,” and you walked away? Remember how good it felt to stop waiting for them to change and instead to take your power back and act from a place of self-respect? 

Real change happens when we stop talking about setting boundaries and actually do it. 

So, why are you still demanding the government start protecting us and corporations stop polluting, and then waiting for them to change? 

You’re right, of course. But are they listening? I think, just like your ex, they recognize empty words. So, please join me in speaking a language they understand: money + action. The more we lead, the sooner they’ll follow.

NOTE: Some real climate actions require you to change, maybe even sacrifice things you want. But real actions have real benefits, like clean air, fewer (if any) asthma attacks, clean water for drinking and bathing, and food that isn’t poisoned with microplastics. 

You are fighting for your life and your health. Isn’t that worth it?

This list is a beginning. For more real hot climate actions, subscribe to Love Notes from Tara.

Buy Less of Everything

Why? The less we buy, the less they’ll make. That’s good because factories are huge polluters. How do you buy less when you still want stuff?

  • Creativity is sexy. Find new uses for old things rather than tossing them.
  • Fix things. There’s no bigger turn-on than a lover who can use tools.
  • A new car every 2 years? Please. Impress your date with your personality, frugality, and your climate consciousness. Keep your car for 7+ years

Ditch Your Dirty Bank

Switch to one divested from fossil fuels. I thought Santander was a fossil-fuel free bank. But I just learned the truth, so I am leaving Santander for one of these banks listed at Mighty. I won’t leave quietly, though. I’ll write a letter explaining my reason. Will they care about little me taking my pennies away? No, but if you join me, and your friends join me, and we make it public, then bank leaders might perk up.

When You Shop

  • AVOID PLASTIC at all costs. Depending on the item, REPLACE PLASTIC with glass, bamboo, wood, cork, hemp, natural rubber, paper, aluminum foil, stainless steel, copper, etc.
  • Buy Certified Organic food. It’s healthier for you, healthier for the farmer, and reduces climate change.
  • Only buy clothing with 100% natural fibers.

When You Clean

  • Use vinegar and water to clean surfaces and wash floors. It’s especially good for hardwood floors.
  • Research other eco-friendly cleaning products or recipes for specific needs.
  • Store homemade cleaning products in glass bottles and jars instead of plastic.

If You Have A Garden Or Lawn

  • Refuse all weed killer and pesticide. Replace with organic methods.
  • Replant your lawn with native flowers, forbs, and sedges. They require less water and little maintenance, and (after they’ve established in a year or two), they look beautiful and (unlike regular lawn) pull CO2 from the air with their deep root systems.

If You Like Writing & Speaking

  • Write to your congressional leaders, to city officials, state officials, the president. Share facts about environmental justice. Help them understand environmental health affects human health and pollution causes disease. (Find facts at Beyond Plastics, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists and, where I’ll be posting more.)
  • Investigate the company that makes your favorite products. If they’re using plastics in their products or packaging, stop buying them. Call or write the company and explain you will buy their products again after they stop using petroleum-based plastic. Get friends to join you. See how big you can make your boycott and how quickly the company responds. Rinse and repeat.